page 1 of the new blog system.

8/12/2024 9:47am

i made this public. .. also.. new cursor!

it feels almost inappropriate for this to be public now. i know i'm going to go through and edit many of these posts though, so it's all good. it's nice to have come so far with it all. i want to see this through to either the point that i'm bored with writing blogs or until i move onto another idea entirely for a website. lots of love. so far i've only shared this website with a couple of people i trust and care about very much
programming has been an extremely fun and fulfilling new part of my life, and i'm happy to have this release. today should have already been miserable, honestly. waking up, having a clean kitchen, and something to look forward to with programing makes me content and much less frustrated tha n i would otherwise be.
i'm going to continue to try to be as organized as possible as it's been one of the best things for me this past year.

as you may have noticed.. there i s a silly mouse! i just made her two days ago and i love her.. the goal is to have a few different versions of her for different pages on this site..? it woul d be extremely cool! and yeah!

this is where i think i'll leave it today. thank you dear reader! maybe in a day or two i'll make another post beneath this one.
p.s. i doubt this is happening, but if you're reading this right now, the way i'm building this site will cause some pages to go offline for a couple of seconds at a time. that's because i'm doing everything in visual studio code and moving it onto where i'm hosting. this way there's always a backup.

from sage rosabell. i'm sorry. sage rosabell | bandcamp