page 6

7/13/2024 3:47pm

hi there.
today i feel much more calm. i love having this to work on. i love feeling each day like i'm doing something. i know it isn't forever though. i can't just sit here with it open and write a new blog and feel fine. what will help me more, ultimately, is to have something to show for it, which is probably pretty obvious. i want to eventually host this and have it all online for anyone to see .. that's what would make me happy.

i should be setting a floor and ceiling goal to be honest. things like this will help me to not feel like i need to cry so often,, because i'll be less likely to beat myself up whe n i mess something up.

i can learn to be happier with myself and what i do and to not be so critical. one of the most important lessons i think i've put myself through and learned is kind of difficult to put into words. it's just tha t you need to discipline yourself to a degree that you have the will to not fuck everything up all the time. but stil l you should never be so mean to yourself, because it doesn't accomplish anything..

these are all just reminders to myself.
finally, what would be important also is to make the site seem like a whole cohesive piece of work, instead of just a series of some galleries.

7/14/2024 12:06pm

my future projects

today i'm going to plan out some things. it's a good way to stay productive i guess.. i'll upload a sort of list of things here that i can work towards and accomplish in a reasonable amount of time.. i hope you enjoy. thank you for sticking with me, even through short posts like this.

i was thinking too, this background image and the color of the text and outlines are some of my favorites so far. i really enjoy these.

7/15/2024 9:30am

music i like

i love all kinds of music.
a lot of the music i gravitate towards the most though isn't good. it sounds amazing! and is very good in execution and stuff. it's just so awfully edgy and inaccesible (for a lot of reasons that normal people would not understand immediately). it's far from the only music that i like, but some of my favorite sounds come from artists like this. weird types of people who are not good.

anyways.. today! we're going to make a list of things to do in no specific order. these will outline the future.. because i forgot to yesterday... i can be lazy sometimes..

new styles for pages:
for this, i'll illustrate some ideas in photoshop and decide what i would like for some other pages to look like. i want a clean navigation pane on the index page as well. honestly, it's not the most important.

making this list work:
this includes figuring out some antiquated way to giv e this list specific stylings

creating a spreadsheet (outside of web page) to manage my new schedule:
i need to create a new schedule because the one i was on will no longer work with the things i want to do.

finally finish this page:
self explanatory.

from sage rosabell. i'm sorry. sage rosabell | bandcamp